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    Education Curriculum

    Creative Thinking, Unique Ideas



    - We provide essential know-how to all participants.

    - We provide tailored curriculum for all professional levels: from technologists to pathology students and graduates.

    - Our course will provide useful education materials for enhanced productivity in the field.



    1st - Normal WBC Classification & Morphology

    - Neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil & basophil characteristics

    - Normal cells with morphological changes             Toxic Neutrophil, Reactive Lymphocyte

    - Bone marrow cells in peripheral blood              Metamyelocyte, Myelocyte, Promyelocyte, NRBC

    - Malignant cells              Dysplatic Neutrophil, Abnormal Lymphocyte, Plasma cell, Blast cell

    - Cells outside WBC classification              Artifact, Not reportable


    2nd - WBC Classification Case Studies

    - Normal cases             Neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte, eosinophil & basophil

    - Toxic / dysplastic cases

    - Cases with a variety of nRBC

    - Cases with immature granulocytes             Metamyelocyte, myelocyte & promyelocyte

    - Reactive lymphocyte cases

    - Abnormal lymphocyte cases             CLL, prolymphocyte, hairy cells

    - Plasma cell cases

    - Blast & APL cases

    Exams & Certifications


    - Exams are based on WBC classification case studies material.

    - Certification is given after all curriculum and exam are completed.

    Application Process


    - Apply by entering the education date, your name, phone number, and e-mail to the application form.

    - A UIMD representative will confirm application detail after review.

    - Final application confirmation email is sent.



    - Please be seated in the classroom 5 minutes before the class.

    - All education materials are properties of UIMD. No unauthorized copying and distribution of material allowed.

    - No food or drink permitted inside the classroom.

    - Please refrain from distupting the class(using cellphone, making noise, etc...).

    Refund Policy


    - Full refund in case of not enough participants.

    - Full refund for cancellations before 5 business days of class.

    - No refund for calcellations within 5 business days of class or no show.

    Application Form

    Creative Thinking, Unique Ideas

    Application Process


    - Enter the education date, name, phone number, and email address to the application form below.

    - Confirm application detail with UIMD representative

    이곳을 클릭하여 텍스트를 수정하세요
    Please enter text

    Application Date


    Check the calendar below for confirmed education schedules.

    Application Form


    Click the 'Submit' after completing the application form below.

    November 2021

    Education Date


    Phone Number

    E-mail Address

    Job Description


    No Submission Available

    WBC Atlas

    Atlas of White Blood Cell Morphology Accurate Classification


    Written By Kyungja Han    ㅣ    Biomedbook     ㅣ         Published in Sept. 10, 2019

    This Atlas was published to help identify white blood cells accurately and confidently.

    White blood cell images showing as many different morphological variations as possible were included.

    In particular, cells that may have a profound effect on patients with incorrect screening results, even if they were less frequent, included as many images as possible, such as acute whole bone marrow leukemia cells.

    {"google":["Raleway","Lato"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Square Round","Nanum Gothic"]}{"google":["Poppins","Lexend Deca"],"custom":["Nanum Gothic","Nanum Square Round","Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Lexend Deca"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}