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    Creative Thinking, Unique Ideas

    100 years ago, there was zero regulation over hospitals, cocaine was a wonder drug, and examination of blood was done manually with a slide and microscope. 

    Thankfully, advances in medical technology have changed the world for the better and these are no longer the case. 

    Apart from the last one.

    Incredibly, many hospital laboratories still go through the same process of analyzing samples by microscope for morphological analysis. Just like it was done 100 years ago. Our mission at UIMD is to revolutionize the way hospitals and medical professionals analyze blood and bone marrow samples with a combination of artificial intelligence and new innovation.


    We at UIMD deploy people-centric management to pursue healthy happiness and maintain people as the best value. We will suggest and engage in new platforms with open challenge toward future happiness.


    We at UIMD are forging new paths combining the foremost medical knowledge and state-of-the-art AI technology. Passion for bold challenges toward higher purpose and open-mindedness with teamwork-based synergy-seeking cooperation. UIMD promises to continue to strive for a better future

    The Platformer of New In-Vitro Diagnostics

    Pioneer in new-field of image analysis

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    {"google":["Lexend Deca"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}